Established in Melbourne, Australia in 2019, the Persian Rug Collection imports genuine Persian rugs straight from the manufacturer and sells to both retail and wholesale customers. The Persian Rug Collection’s variety of woolen and silk rugs is almost limitless, from fine Kashan rugs to the durable Turkoman, their collection boasts rugs to suit any household. All rugs are hand knotted wool or silk pile, made on a cotton or woolen base, and are 100% authentic but most importantly of all ethically sourced. These unique designs and styles have to be seen to be truly appreciated, and with one of the largest rug showrooms in Melbourne, you can experience the beauty of the Persian Rug Collection’s store in one convenient location.


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Dream it.

Located in Melbourne, established in 2019, the Persian Rug Collection provides premium quality Persian rugs for sale to both retail and wholesale customers at competitive prices that represent outstanding value. We have been doing this for over 20 years in Australia and New Zealand with our other company the Persian Rug Gallery.  All rugs are imported directly from the manufacturer and are of genuine Persian quality! Our online platform employees highly experienced minorities to gain valuable life skills and giving them great career opportunities. 
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Build it.

We have been employing stay home mums for over 15 years and now we're helping the next generation of young people find their passion. Currently, the Persian Rug Collection stocks the largest range of hand-knotted, wool and silk rugs in Australia, and strives to offer you all the guidance and help you need when choosing a rug. The styles in the showroom range from traditional patterned designs from Persian tribal groups, to the more contemporary and chic styles, for a refined modern home. 

Grow it.

Our business is built and grown on honesty and integrity. “I am because we are” Ubuntu. Currently we employ young people from diverse and disadvantaged background to learn this beautiful trade because this is how we have been feeding our families for over 20 years. And its been practiced for over 2,500 years. ‘‘For me, I've learned about what it means to focus on a culture, to build social responsibility, and the idea of a company as a super-organism.’’ Biz Stone.